緊隨父親、兩代服務商業電台、豁達864節目總監Joel Delacy
Mr. Ho was an inspiration to us all. He built Commercial Radio up from the very beginning, and gave Hong Kong free channels that have entertained and informed us about our own lives and society, as well as being a window of the rest of the world. Hong Kong has gone through many good times and bad over the past decades, but Commercial Radio has been an independent voice, and a very important part of our lives, all thanks to Mr. Ho.
He was very hands on, would give people directions and ideas and lead the staff, but he also knows your talents and recognizes people who would grow and be able to take on bigger things. Mr. Ho cared about Hong Kong, and was widely respected. He will be greatly missed by the past and the present staff of Commercial Radio, but he's left a legacy for Hong Kong that millions of us should thank him for.